Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Happy Chinese New Year

What a wonderful day is today! I finished 90% of my wedding website last night, watched the Amazing Race finale, RSVP to the C & B registry program, registered for the Pre-Cana (sort of, they haven't called us back yet), today is the Chinese new year, and most of all, I found another place who custom make wedding dress!!

Simon will go with me tomorrow to the tailors. I know the groom's not supposed to see the gown or know how it looks like before the wedding, but he doesn't want me to go alone. Maybe I'll have someone else go with me on the subsequent appointments.

We received our electric bill the other day, it was $5xx!!!! Unbelievible!!! It turned out that it's not the acutal usage, they only estimate the amount of electric and gas that we used last month. It's so ridiculous that they estimated us to use 5 times our normal usage. They're just trying to rip people off.

Oops... time to go to work again... Hope I hear some good news about my license today.


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