Monday, May 01, 2006

Golden State

Being in CA for a couple days, well, I'm not ready to call myself a Californian yet, but am certainly looking forward to settling down here. I was afraid to drive in CA (basically any big city) before we came, nonetheless the roads aren't bad at all. They're wider and there're more lanes than in NJ, we successfully avoid the heavy traffic so far, plus we can make left turns here! That means no more jug-handle!! Gas prices are ridiculously high at some places but we manage to find a Shell station with more reasonably priced gas.

The sun here is to die for. This is probably the nicest time of the year, or the entire year is like this? The weather reminds me every second how blessed and lucky I am. From the freeways I see green mountains under a blue sky just like the pictures on puzzles. The pool and jacuzzi in the apartment complex open all year long (vs. from memorial day thru labor day). Everyday is a swimming day.

Life without the need of going to work is great. I can't do that for financial reason obviously -- but I learn to treasure my sunny vacation even more.


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